Monday, January 5, 2009

First post

Well, if you followed my link, you have found out what is going on in our household. Yes, Reyna is going to be a big sister. Surprised?

I found out a few weeks ago and have already had my first doctor appt. I am due August 22nd. Right smack dab in the middle of the summer months. Oh, well. I am anxious to see how different it will be from Reyna. When we brought her home, it was in the negative digits due to the windchill.

As for how I have been feeling. Not. So. Hot. :)

I have already had my fair dose of morning sickness and pray each morning as I munch on my saltines, it will be over soon. Christmas day consisted of throwing up and not eating a delicious dinner that my mom prepared. New Years? What a wash. I was in bed before 9.

Today, I feel pretty good. It's hard to force myself to eat since NOTHING sounds good. But, if I don't eat, I feel sick. It's definitely a catch 22.

We couldn't be more thrilled for the upcoming addition to our family. I am looking forward to updating this blog quite often throughout this pregnancy.

So, are you shocked?


  1. Yay!!!
    I had a feeling this was going to be coming for you :) Hope you start to feel better soon!

  2. Hi! I hadn't looked at your blog in a long time until today...and it looks like you just posted this exciting news! Congratulations!!

  3. CONGRATULATIONS I am so HAPPY for you!!!!!!! And Reyna will be a Great Big Sister!

  4. WOW! That's awesome, congrats! Yay!

  5. Love the new blog. You had me fooled when you gave the link to this blog. Collins Baby #2 was not what I was expecting, and I even knew. Anyways, soooo excited for you!!

  6. Yay! Congrats to you, Jade, and Reyna! I hope you start to feel better...saltines get old, quick ;)

  7. Congratulations!! I'll be adding this blog to my bloglines reader. This is too funny, so many people have babies on the way right now. I'm due July 3. Good luck getting rid of the morning sickness. I really hope it passes soon so you can enjoy being pregnant... is that possible? lol :P

  8. CONGRATULATIONS! I hope you start feeling better soon and that you have a very healthy (and boring) 9 months!

  9. Woohoo!!! Congrats! I was with ya in the sick department! Hope you feel better soon! Congrats again!

  10. I am SO excited! I am so happy for you and Jade. Reyna is going to be the BEST big sis! Call me when you get a chance so we can plan a day to get together!:)

  11. YAY! SOOOOOOOO excited for you guys! Well, I'm not excited that you are feeling like crap, but a new baby! How fun! I can't wait to follow you through this pregnancy! Congrats again, I'm super happy for you!

  12. Congratulations!!!!

  13. Congratulations Leslie! How exciting.

  14. congratulations les! that is totally awesome! i knew you kept mentioning it. hope you start feeling better soon. :)

  15. Congratulations! Hope you start to feel better soon...ah, I remember it like it was yesterday. Let me know if you need help with anything.

  16. YAY!!! congrats!! baby #2 has officially been added to my reader. :) hope you feel better soon!

  17. YAY!!!!!!! i'm pumped for you. hope yu are doing better soon...hang in there! happy new year...made my day!

  18. So glad you made this announcement! Hope you are feeling better soon, my fellow August baby mama!!

  19. Yay!!!I was wondering when you were finally going to get around to posting the big news!=)A new blog to follow, too!;)

  20. i was wondering if you would post!!!! congrats!!!

  21. That's exciting news, Leslie!! Congrats!! Hope you start feeling better soon :)

  22. I'm so excited for you, Les! I don't know if you got my email or not. Congrats & I hope you get feeling better soon!

  23. hey big momma! glad you started up your baby blog! Now everyone knows! :) Hope you are feeling better!

  24. Congrats Les!! August isn't so bad. Just make sure you have air conditioning and a ceiling fan and it will be allllll good. Hope the morning sickness gets better soon. Zophran is your friend :)

  25. YEAH!!!! I'm so happy for you. Hope you are feeling better and can't wait to hear all about the new on and how Reyna deals with the transition. The new site is adorable :)

  26. I am so surprised and so ecstatic for you guys! Yay for baby #2 :)
