Thursday, June 18, 2009

30 1/2 weeks

Had a doctor appt. today. For the next month of so, it's every 2 weeks until I start going every week. Just a few highlights of what happened.

-Gained 11 pounds, which puts me at a total of 29 thus far. I am blaming those 11 pounds on all those smores from our camping trip. I swear, I was being force fed! hahahah. Seriously, 11 pounds?! You can tell I am a little distraught about this.
-Heartbeat was strong and in the 130's.
-The baby was moving around like crazy!
-I guessed correct, the baby is head down already. It was about this time with Reyna, too.
-Passed my glucose test.
-Laura decided to check my cervix since I have been contracting so much. Luckily, it was closed.

How are we in the home stretch already?! Wasn't I just throwing up on Christmas day? It's gone by so fast. We are so ready to meet this little peanut and find out what he/she is.

I go back in two weeks. Hopefully, there won't be as much weight gain then.


  1. glad to hear everything went well. 29 lbs so far isn't bad, is it? some of its water right? You'll drop the weight fast. Its so hard to believe that @ christmas u were soo sick, and now you are 10 weeks away.

  2. sounds like things are moving right along! glad to hear all is well (even if you're not happy with the weight). i can't believe you're in the home stretch - yey!

  3. I'm right behind ya Les...I've gained 22 pounds at 25 weeks...yikes! Have your feet started swell on hot days?
