Sunday, March 29, 2009

Ultrasound news and 19 week update

Our ultrasound was Friday. Did we find out?


Yes, it was hard. But, it was fun watching the baby move. Everything looks good. I will get some ultraound pic's up tomorrow. I need to scan them.

As for the rest of the appointment..I have gained my 7 pounds back and gained another 9 on top of that. I guess I should clarify, not all that was from the past four weeks. 7 of them were, but not the rest. So, I am definitely gaining some weight. It's hard not to when I am hungry all. the. time. But, I feel healthy and glad to not be throwing up everyday.

I am still taking Zantac for acid reflux and heartburn. It is helping tremendously. I have also been experiencing some Braxton Hicks contractions. Nothing regular, just now and then. Everything seems to be happening faster this time around. It's a little scary.

For some reason, I am unable to cut and paste. This has happened before, so if you care to read the 19 week update, click here. :)

That's all for now...


  1. OMG I can not believe you didn't find out. Can not believe it!! :)

  2. Glad you're feeling better. You are so strong to resist the temptation to find out the sex!!!!
