Wednesday, April 15, 2009

21 weeks

Sorry for the dorky belly shot. Yes Em, it's a good pic, but I look like a dork. :)

Overall, I feel pretty good. I am feeling a ton of movement, which I love. I go back to the doctor next Friday and I am anxious to see what I weigh. I feel like all I have been doing it eating. I am tired all the time. I look forward to bedtime everynight. Not too much nausea, but on occasion, I do take a half zofran in the morning. I haven't been throwing up though. Hmmm..what else? Still no clue what the gender of this little peanut is. Jade & I both go back and forth. The acid reflux is still under control with the help of zantac once a day.


  1. Awww, your belly's just a growin'! You look adorabe!

  2. hahaa! We can blame the dorky picture on all the activity that was going on that day... its cute.

  3. You are too stinkin' cute! What a beautiful bump! And I SO feel you on the exhaustion!

  4. You are adorable!! I can relate to being tired all the time. Hopefully you get an energy boost w/ this lovely weather :)

  5. Awww, you look so cute Leslie!

  6. Super cute! Over half way there...woo hoo!

  7. Love the belly picture! You're adorable :)
